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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:What is the shortcut key to insert current date in a cell?
  1. CTRL + D
  2. CTRL + T
  3. CTRL + ;
  4. CTRL + /

Q2. Primary memory stores

  1. Data alone
  2. Programs alone
  3. Results alone
  4. All of these
Correct Answer

Q3. Most of the inexpensive personal computers do not have any disk or diskette drive. What is the name of such computes?

  1. Home computers
  2. Diskless computers
  3. Dedicated computers
  4. General purpose computers
Correct Answer

Q4. Offline device is

  1. A device which is not connected to CPU
  2. A device which is connected to CPU
  3. A direct access storage device
  4. An I/O device
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:How can you get your photo album slide show to play continuously?

  1. Use random slide transition
  2. Launch an online broadcast
  3. Loop continuously
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: What type of relationship is created when you select a primary key in both related tables?

  1. One-To-One
  2. Indeterminate
  3. One-To-Many
  4. Many-To-Many
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device?

  1. Floppy Disk
  2. CD-ROM
  3. Hard Disk
  4. None of these
Correct Answer

Q8. Abacus was the first

  1. electronic computer
  2. mechanical computer
  3. electronic calculator
  4. mechanical calculator
Correct Answer

Q9. Which one is not operating system?

  1. P11
  2. OS/2
  3. Windows
  4. Unix
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: Unlike text data type, this can store up to maximum of 65, 535 characters.

  1. memo
  2. data/time
  3. number
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

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